- A Silence that screams: No Contemporary Historical Accounts for Jesus
- A priori
- Adieu
- Anaximander
- Argument
- Aristotle
- Assertion
- Atheology
- Carl Sagan's Baloney Detecting Kit
- Categorical Propositions
- Causal Fallacies
- Christians must steal from secular morality
- Classical Logic
- Common Cosmological Misconceptions
- Commonly Held Myths of Science
- Conclusion
- Course in Logic 101
- Critical Thinking
- David Hume
- Deductive and Inductive Logic
- Democritus
- Disjunctive and Hypothetical Syllogisms
- Doesn't Everyone Take Things On Faith?
- Epictetus
- Epicurus
- Epistemology
- Fallacies of Ambiguity and Grammatical Analogy.
- Fallacies of Presumption
- Fallacies of Relevance
- Fallacies of Weak Induction
- Formal Fallacies
- Formal and Informal Logic
- Fortunately there is more to human reason than just logic.
- Hans Eysenck's Rules of Argument
- How Does A Materialist Account for Logic?
- How the Scientific Method is Used in Research
- Inductive Logic
- Informal Fallacies
- Introduction to Experimental Methods
- Knowing Through Faith
- Logic
- Material implication
- Metalogic
- Methods of Induction
- Modern Square of Opposition
- Paraconsistent logic
- People in Hell
- Perception is Selective
- Phil Larkin - Church Going
- Philo
- Philosophy
- Philosophy of Truth
- Predicate Logic
- Principle of explosion
- Proposition
- Propositional Logic
- Rhetoric
- Socrates
- Supernaturalism and Immateriality are Broken Concepts
- Suspect Debate Tactics
- Syllogism
- Thales
- The 'god' of christian theism is incoherent
- The Difference Between Believing and Knowing
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus
- The Gospels are Literature, not History
- The Historical Bait and Switch
- The Laws of Classical Logic
- The Scientific Method
- Thomas Aquinas
- Traditional Square of Opposition
- Truth Tables
- Validity, Strength, Soundness and Cogency
- What is a Theory?
- Would you go on the Cross?